Eve Hepburn is Senior Lecturer in Politics in the School of Social and Political Science at the University of Edinburgh. While the independence movements in Scotland and Catalonia have received substantial attention, other countries across Europe are also facing …
The European elections in Italy
In Italy’s European Parliament elections Matteo Renzi’s Democratic Party received over 40 per cent of the national vote, with Beppe Grillo’s Five Star Movement finishing in second place on just over 20 per cent. Roberto Orsi assesses what the elections mean for …
Can An Economy Be Too Good?
How when you’re in a group, doing extremely well can be a problem. [embedyt]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y46Sw1BUHPs[/embedyt] When we talk about European economy, we usually focus on the screw ups – the sunny South, with the big deficits. But the strangest report recently …
European Parliament elections: a final look at the national campaigns
European Parliament elections are being held on 22-25 May, with voting already under way in some countries across Europe. To mark the start of the election, Stuart Brown takes a look at the national campaigns, national polling, and the key domestic issues …