6 мая 2020 года издание Financial Times сообщило о том, что бывший премьер-министр Латвии, нынешний исполнительный вице-президент Европейской комиссии (ЕК), Валдис Домбровскис объявил о принятии строгих мер по борьбе с легализацией преступных доходов в Европе. По его словам, ЕК начнет …
EK AML: krāpšana?
2020. gada 6. maijā Financial Times ziņoja, ka Latvijas bijušais premjerministrs un pašreizējais Eiropas Komisijas (EK) priekšsēdētājas izpildvietnieks Valdis Dombrovskis ir sniedzis ziņojumu par naudas atmazgāšanas apkarošanu Eiropā. Viņš sacīja, ka EK ir jāsāk pārrunas ar dalībvalstīm par to, vai …
European Commission’s Anti-Money Laundering : Fake?
On 6 May 2020, the Financial Times reported that Valdis Dombrovskis, former prime minister of Latvia and current executive vice president of the European Commission (EC), announced a crack-down against money laundering in Europe. John Christmas, exiled whistleblower from Latvia’s …
Can You Speak Commission?
Susannah Savage, Columnist @Swizz677 “At what time will be ze reunion?” my friend Taran asks me in a thick French accent, which would be cute were Taran not from Leicester. The European Commission goes one step beyond the acronyms, abbreviations and …
How to lose friends in Europe
Despite opposition from the UK and Hungary, the European Council nominated Jean-Claude Juncker as the next President of the European Commission on 27 June. Eunice Goes writes on the attempt made by British Prime Minister David Cameron to block Juncker’s nomination. She …
Alienating Merkel
British Prime Minister David Cameron has strongly opposed the nomination of Jean-Claude Juncker as the next President of the European Commission and has called for a formal vote to be held on the topic if no consensus can be reached. Imke …
The European Union must have a closer link to national politics
National governments are still involved in negotiations over nominating a candidate for the next President of the European Commission. Anand Menon writes that while much of this debate has focused on the merits of individual candidates such as Jean-Claude Juncker, the real …
Jean-Claude Juncker
David Cameron has voiced opposition to the appointment of Jean-Claude Juncker as the next President of the European Commission. Mareike Kleine writes that while some commentators have supported Cameron’s position, most of the criticism of Juncker’s candidacy reflects a fundamental misunderstanding of …
The European Council should not feel obliged to choose any of the leading candidates
This year’s European Parliament election has been noteworthy both for the rise of Euroscepticism and the introduction of leading candidates for European Commission president put forward by some of the European political parties. Anthony Salamone argues that the European Council should freely …
Europe has spoken but it didn’t say Juncker
Event A: five political groups in the European Parliament put forward a leading candidate for the post of Commission president before the European elections. Event B: EU citizens vote in European elections without knowing these candidates and without knowing how …