“With many voters still making up their minds about a decision that will shape the future of our country, Oxford University’s Migration Observatory offered a stark warning that despite offering the world the Leave campaign cannot guarantee what would happen …
The Rise Of PEGIDA In The UK
Tommy Robinson stepped down as leader of the far right English Defence League in 2013. Alongside two former Ukip candidates, he is now setting up the UK arm of Pegida, the pan-European anti-Islam movement. Film-maker Simon Winkler joins Robinson as …
The rejection of the euro by Scottish National Party
James Stafford is Commissioning Editor of ‘Renewal: a Journal of Social Democracy’. He is also a PhD candidate in History at the University of Cambridge. The Scottish National Party (SNP) have advocated the creation of a formal currency union between …
UK’s media coverage of Romania
Dora-Olivia Vicol is a DPhil student at the School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography (SAME) at the University of Oxford. William Allen is a Research Officer at The Migration Observatory and the Centre on Migration, Policy, and Society (COMPAS) at the …
Questioning the merits of a referendum on British membership of the EU
John McCormick is Jean Monnet Professor of European Union Politics at the Indianapolis campus of Indiana University. He has published extensively on the politics of the EU, his most recent book being Why Europe Matters: The Case for the European Union. His …
Poundzone vs Eurozone
Waltraud Schelkle is Associate Professor of Political Economy at the European Institute of the London School of Economics. She is particularly interested in the political economy of European monetary integration and the role of financial markets for social policy. One …

The UK government must urgently overhaul its EU engagement strategy
Anthony Salamone is an incoming PhD candidate in British and EU politics at the University of Edinburgh. His research interests include European integration, UK devolution and comparative politics. He is the author of Britain’s Europe, a weekly blog on British-EU politics …

The lighter side of Parliament by Richard Corbett
Linguistic anecdotes There are, of course, many stories about linguistic misunderstandings in the European Parliament. Trying to tell a joke in the chamber is always risky: one group (if you’re lucky) will laugh immediately, others may laugh ten seconds later …

Nigel Farage – UKIP’s Puppet?
Today’s #trews looks at footage of Nigel Farage’s rant at the Euro Parliament this week. Is he a puppet? You decide

Free movement of labour in the EU
Free movement of labour across the EU has become a controversial issue in several European countries, with parties such as UKIP and the Front National calling for restrictions on EU immigration. Adrian Favell writes on the debate over the issue within the …