The EU Bubble™ is an online magazine about the European affairs. The whole idea started out as a Twitter account to follow and monitor all the EU policy makers. However, it has evolved and morphed into an online portal, where people with passion for the EU policy can submit their opinion.
The website has taught the founder who wished stay anonymous about digital marketing and skills for being a webmaster. In an indirect way this website has provided skills to operate an online business and a livelihood. Therefore, it’s an independently funded and operated site with an ambition in the long term future to create a self-sustaining trust.
We are more than politics or policy insight online magazine. We report about the European culture and lifestyle. The articles predominantly are citizen-sourced journalism from all the sides of the European political spectrum.
Our Mission is to expand the scope of the perceived EU bubble and to acquaint not only all the Europeans, but the whole Global Bubble with the 21st century European character.
The EU Bubble™ respects the Munich Declaration of the Duties and Rights of Journalists.
We promptly correct factual errors and welcome additional information or opinions. Please email us for any corrections, clarifications or updates.
Please note that as a platform for independent journalism and whistle-blowers we can not take any responsibility for the content, opinions and views expressed by contributions, bloggers and authors.