По данным веб-сайта Европейского банка реконструкции и развития (ЕБРР), миссия банказаключается в оказании поддержки демократии и содействии развитию рыночной экономики.Согласно веб-сайту Атлантического совета, его миссия заключается в содействииформированию здоровых демократических обществ. Деятельность обеих организаций восновном сосредоточена на странах бывшего СССР. …
ЄБРР і Атлантична рада: Чим насправді вони займаються?
Згідно відомостей, наведених на веб-сайті Європейського банку реконструкції та розвитку(ЄБРР), його місія полягає у підтримці демократії та ринкової економіки. Відповідно довідомостей, наведених на веб-сайті Атлантичної ради, її місія полягає у сприянні здоровомудемократичному суспільству. Обидві організації орієнтовані насамперед на країни колишньогоРадянського …
ERAB un Atlantijas padome: Ko viņi patiesībā dara?
John Christmas writes that from reading the mainstream media, you might think that the EBRD & Atlantic Council are fighting money laundering.
EBRD and Atlantic Council: What are they really doing?
John Christmas writes that from reading the mainstream media, you might think that the EBRD & Atlantic Council are fighting money laundering.
Institutionalized Money Laundering in Latvia
In February 2018, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) at Treasury Department declared Latvia’s ABLV bank an “institutionalized money laundering” operation where weapons dealers and corrupt politicians from former Soviet Union countries sent their money into Europe. Washington has watched illicit money …
Europe’s Entrepreneurs are set up to fail
After speaking in Europe these last two weeks, it’s clear GDPR will set back their startup progress by several years. The countries here are so risk-averse. They’re already years behind. And now they have GDPR. It’s too bad. There are …
Which crypto are MEPs speculating on?
Cryptocurrencies are all the rage among the cool kids these days. Therefore it’s not a surprise that politicians will jump on the bandwagon to grab their spot in the sunshine. What are cryptocurrencies? According to Option.Finance “A cryptocurrency is a …
The EU ETS and the Circular Economy
We need regulatory coherence between the various EU objectives The Commission’s proposal to reform the ETS aims at drastically reduce the number of sectors on the carbon leakage list, by applying a purely one-size-fits-all quantitative formula that multiplies trade intensity …
EU Emissions Trading System Reform: Making Things Simple or Simplistic? The Case of Copper
During the COP22 in Marrakech, the international community has once again gathered to discuss its responsibilities in the fight against climate change, because to this day there is still no international regulatory system that is comprehensive and binding. There is …
Brexit: a WTO issue first and foremost
100 days on from the fateful UK referendum, the only thing agreed on is the huge complexity of Brexit. This justifies the wait-and-see approach of the UK government which, by cataloguing the many problems that need to be resolved, is …