European Parliament staff: who are they and do their backgrounds influence decision-making?

Morten Egeberg is a Professor of Public Policy and Administration in the Department of Political Science and ARENA – Centre for European Studies, at the University of Oslo. Åse Gornitzka is a Professor of Public Policy and Administration in the …

The New Flemish Alliance joins the ECR group

The New Flemish Alliance (N-VA), which won the largest share of the vote in the Belgian federal elections in May, has traditionally combined a pro-EU platform with calls for greater autonomy for Flanders. Benjamin Leruth writes on the party’s decision to join …

Europe has spoken but it didn’t say Juncker

Event A: five political groups in the European Parliament put forward a leading candidate for the post of Commission president before the European elections. Event B: EU citizens vote in European elections without knowing these candidates and without knowing how …

The European elections in Central and Eastern EU

The key story to emerge from the European elections in countries like France and the UK was the rise of Euroscepticism, but does this narrative apply to all countries across Europe? Tim Haughton and Tereza Novotna present an analysis of the elections in four …

Austria’s Young Far Right

[embedyt][/embedyt] Right-wing nationalists of the Identitarian Movement held a rally in Vienna on May 17. Organizing themselves across social media, members of factions across Europe flooded in from France, Belgium, Italy, and Switzerland to join the Austrian faction to demonstrate …

How do you solve a problem like… Nigel?

The United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) gained the largest vote share and seat allocation in the UK’s European Parliament elections. Tim Bale writes that while UKIP’s strong polling ratings prior to the election had already prompted David Cameron’s Conservative Party to take …

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