Dear people of Greece! We, the pensioners, the doctors, the police officers, the teachers and your other ordinary fellow european citizens of Latvia are so delighted to hear that you demand european solidarity! We’re sure that you’ll be happy to …
Life as an Illegal Immigrant in Greece
Greece has always been a gateway for immigrants searching for what they assumed would be a better life in Europe. But many of those who’ve crossed illegally into Greece have found that they have traded one bad situation for another. …
Europe is now on course for a showdown between Alexis Tsipras and Wolfgang Schäuble over Greek debt
Kevin Featherstone is Director of the Hellenic Observatory at the London School of Economics. On 29 December, the Greek Parliament failed to elect a new President, triggering snap elections for 25 January. With Alexis Tsipras’ Syriza currently leading opinion polls, …
The Greek problems
Fotis Zygoulis is a PhD candidate at the University of Athens. He is also the Head of the Independent Planning and Design Department of the Municipality of Heraklion Attica. Elina Zagou is based at the County Court in Katerini, Greece. …

Golden Dawn’s success in the European elections shows the party now has a stable support base among Greek voters
Golden Dawn gained the third highest vote share in the European Parliament elections in Greece, translating into three MEPs. Sofia Vasilopoulou and Daphne Halikiopoulou assess the factors underpinning this success. They write that Golden Dawn’s ability to blend nationalism and populism into a coherent …