On 6 May 2020, the Financial Times reported that Valdis Dombrovskis, former prime minister of Latvia and current executive vice president of the European Commission (EC), announced a crack-down against money laundering in Europe.
John Christmas, exiled whistleblower from Latvia’s Parex Bank
He said the EC would begin consulting member states about whether they should create a new centralized authority to fight money laundering or if this should be done by the existing European Banking Authority.
This is interesting because Dombrovskis was caught making two fraudulent agreements with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) to cover-up fraud at two offshore Russian banks in Latvia. Even though those ‘privatizations’ were confirmed later to be secretly reversible and therefore fake, with the Parex Bank privatization confirmed fake by EC directorate Eurostat in 2014 and the Citadele privatization confirmed fake by Eurostat in 2018, the Financial Times refuses to publish that Eurostat letter and report even though I’ve asked several journalists several times.
Parex Bank working for Tambovskaya Mafia
According to the Spanish court, Parex was the money launderer for Vladimir Putin’s Tambovskaya Mafia. Citadele is a successor to Parex and still has most of the employees and shell-company deposits from Parex, since nobody was prosecuted when a large part of Parex assets suddenly disappeared between 2008 and 2010. Everyone was bailed out with Latvian government money, with the Latvian government getting that money by borrowing it from Europe.
Next, on 11 June 2020
The European Court of Auditors announced the first step of the Dombrovskis program. They will do a study of all of the member states’ current anti-money-laundering efforts. And guess who they selected to lead this audit? A Latvian named Mihails Kozlovs who previously worked for the EBRD! Couldn’t they find anyone who wasn’t Latvian? And couldn’t they find anyone who wasn’t from the EBRD?
6th Anti-Money-Laundering Directive
Meanwhile, the European Parliament is working on the 6th Anti-Money-Laundering Directive which is expected to add even more compliance paperwork and costs to all financial institutions and all people making all payments in Europe. Supposedly the purpose of this is to reduce money laundering. However isn’t there an easier way?
The EC has a simple cost-free and bureaucracy-free option to smash Putin’s money-laundering network. The EC could simply instruct its own directorate Eurostat to force Latvia and other countries which have done fake privatizations with the EBRD to correct their debt disclosures. Obviously, the EC will have to remove Dombrovskis from his position in order to do this since he is the main co-conspirator with the EBRD.
Also, obviously, the EC should withdraw all financial support for the EBRD. Europeans could save a lot of money. No audit is necessary and no new directive is necessary.
Forcing member states to disclose debts honestly and shutting down the EBRD will open a huge can of worms as we discover the full extent of the EBRD’s program of making fake investments in banks to give them fake credibility.
Putin’s protectors and useful idiots
I hesitate to believe in ‘conspiracy theories’ and it was hard for me to come to terms with the fact that Putin’s money launderers control the Latvian government and Latvian media. However I do believe in evidence and what I see now is an even bigger problem. The EBRD, EC, and Financial Times all are protecting Putin.