Over news agency footage of a signing ceremony in Brussels a narrator speaking in English reports drily that Ukraine has agreed to a series of trade agreements with the European Union. The voice, heavily accented in Russian, then adds a …
Austria’s Young Far Right
[embedyt]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hEKr_sDUPTE[/embedyt] Right-wing nationalists of the Identitarian Movement held a rally in Vienna on May 17. Organizing themselves across social media, members of factions across Europe flooded in from France, Belgium, Italy, and Switzerland to join the Austrian faction to demonstrate …
Who owns a Commissioner’s Twitter account, and its followers?
2014 is the big change-over year in the EU institutions. A new European Parliament was elected in May 2014, and a new European Commission will take office in late autumn 2014. Some Commissioners will stay on, but probably with new …
Elections Special – 5 MEPs answer: “What are the biggest challenges for the new Parliament?”
Jennifer Baker is joined by 5 MEPs – Amelia Andersdotter (Greens/EFA), Corina Creţu (S&D), Ashley Fox (ECR), Gesine Meissner (ALDE) and Andrey Kovatchev (EPP) – to discuss the biggest challenges for the new European Parliament, at the debate “How will the new European Parliament make a difference?” jointly organised by viEUws, EU40 & …
EUphoria: Selfies and election campaigns
Amazon.com Widgets [View the story “EUphoria: Selfies and election campaigns” on Storify] Amazon.com Widgets
The local conversation model
We are sharing our daily life experiences on social media, brands are fishing for our ‘likes’ and people are having conversations in what McLuhan calls the global village. Politicians and (EU) political institutions are also starting to understand the importance of …