After speaking in Europe these last two weeks, it’s clear GDPR will set back their startup progress by several years. The countries here are so risk-averse. They’re already years behind. And now they have GDPR. It’s too bad. There are …
Glyphosate: a European scandal?
That is what the newspaper Le Monde asserts, without any question mark, on the front page of its 28 November edition, just a few hours before Member States gave a positive opinion. According to Le Monde, the scandal would have …
Nietzsche revisited: Glyphosate – A drop of philosophy for a change
In the 1880s, the great philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche wrote: “Our era is an era of frenzy, and for this precise reason it is not an era of passion. It heats up constantly because it feels cold – essentially, it freezes.” …
Glyphosate: the Commission, a mere secretariat!
In the European Commission, they like having the power but not the responsibility. They like pressure even less. As NGOs and certain journalists go after glyphosate, the Commission is muddling through and passing the buck to the Member States without …
Brexit, one year on
What strikes me most, 12 months into the Brexit process, is the preparedness of some and unpreparedness of others. Methodical preparation in Brussels After lengthy meetings with officials in the European Council’s Brexit taskforce at the end of August 2016, …
Réforme de la Comitologie : faire, défaire et refaire, c’est toujours travailler, …
Vous vous rappelez la publicité pour Canada Dry, « ça a la couleur de l’alcool, le goût de l’alcool, … mais ce n’est pas de l’alcool ». La réforme de la comitologie que nous propose la Commission est présentée comme …
Comitology Reform: doing, undoing and redoing is still hard work
You might remember the advert for Canada Dry : “It looks like alcohol, it tastes like alcohol…but it’s not alcohol.” The reform of comitology proposed by the Commission is presented as a reform, but it is nothing of the sort. …
Les 60 ans du Traité de Rome : d’abord changer le capitaine du bateau !
Diverses têtes pensantes réfléchissent à une épineuse question : comment célébrer le 25 mars 2017 les 60 ans de la signature du Traité de Rome ? Si vous voulez mon avis, mieux vaudrait ne rien célébrer du tout. Je n’ai …
60 years since the Treaty of Rome: Let’s start by changing the captain of the ship!
How should we celebrate 25th March 2017, the 60th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome? Many people are asking themselves this tricky question. In my own opinion, it would be better not to celebrate anything at all. …
Verhofstadt, suicide en direct
Il est décidément des hommes politiques qui se croient aptes à toutes les fonctions. Candidat malheureux à la Présidence de la Commission, M. Verhofstadt s’attaque avec le même insuccès à la Présidence du Parlement. Mais l’échec se double ici d’une …