(Originally written 22 November 2014 but as relevant today as it was then.) When I commented on the Scottish Referendum earlier this year, I said I couldn’t provide an academic opinion. That might seem like I was putting myself down …
Greece Referendum: Syriza Didn’t Get The Message
It was November 2011 when I had the opportunity to meet Yanis Varoufakis in person, for the first and so far only time. Upon the invitation of his close friend and promoter James Galbraith, Varoufakis was visiting the University of …
Greece’s True Referendum Begins Now
With early returns from the referendum coming in, it is clear that a vote of “no” to the austerity measures proposed by the institutions formerly known as the troika will prevail, with a clear majority that will likely surpass 60%. …
The Truth About Greece: Syriza’s Creatively Ambiguous Referendum
It was just four months ago, though it already seems like a lifetime away, when Greece’s celebrity finance minister Yanis Varoufakis publicly stated that “creative ambiguity” won the country a “loan lifeline” from the institutions formerly known as the troika: …
Can An Economy Be Too Good?
How when you’re in a group, doing extremely well can be a problem. [embedyt]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y46Sw1BUHPs[/embedyt] When we talk about European economy, we usually focus on the screw ups – the sunny South, with the big deficits. But the strangest report recently …