Bank of Cyprus is the dominant retail bank in Cyprus. However it also has a second role, as a bank for offshore Russian deposits. Therefore it is interesting to look at the ownership of this important international bank. Bank of …
What is clear is that Burisma connects together a spider web of questionable dealings involving Latvian banks.
What is clear is that Burisma connects together a spider web of questionable dealings involving Latvian banks.
Burisma connects Latvian Banks
What is clear is that Burisma connects together a spider web of questionable dealings involving Latvian banks.
Are CBD edibles illegal in Europe?
In this article we will explain, why all CBD products for oral consumption – including CBD capsules, CBD gummies, CBD oils for oral consumption – and all other CBD edibles are currently considered illegal products in all EU Member States. We …
Евростат против Латвии и Мальты
Как изгнанному из страны разоблачителю крупнейшего финансового преступления в истории Латвии, хорошо знакомому с экономической ситуацией и правительственным кризисом на Мальте, мне удалось составить ясное представление о контрпродуктивной деятельности этого директората Еврокомиссии, в задачи которого входит обеспечение добросовестности и отсутствия …
Eurostat pret Latviju un Maltu
Es esmu politiskajā trimdā esošs trauksmes cēlējs par lielāko finanšu noziegumu Latvijas vēsturē un pārzinu ekonomikas un valsts pārvaldes stāvokli Maltā – esmu guvis būtisku ieskatu kāda Eiropas Komisijas direktorāta, kuram mēs uzticamies, kaitnieciskajās darbībās. Raksta autors: trimdā esošais Parex bankas trauksmes cēlējs Džons Kristmass …
Eurostat versus Latvia and Malta
As the exiled whistleblower against the largest financial crime in the history of Latvia and also with knowledge of the economic and government situation in Malta, I have gained important insight into the counter-productive operations of a European Commission directorate …
The Next Generation High-Speed Railway Hyper Poland crowdfunding equity investment on Seedrs
Hyper Poland seeks to develop the next generation of High-Speed Railways, based on magnetic levitation, linear motor and autonomous control systems. We can gradually implement hyperloop-inspired solutions as an upgrade for the railway industry. patent-pending magrail technology allows parallel operation …
What would Siegmund Warburg say about BREXIT?
As a young man in the Germany of the 1920s, Warburg had been a convinced and optimistic pan-European. He believed, as he wrote to his friend Ernst Kocherthaler in 1927, ‘that Europe has passed the culmination point of nationalism, or …