Unpaid internships, bad working conditions, working without a contract are some of the problems faced by interns everywhere in Europe and some of the reasons that motivated the EID’s event last Friday.
The Let’s Start the First European Party joined the initiative, since fight youth unemployment is one of our main focus. Fighting for better working conditions and to change the mind-set that interns are workers too is important to overcome the economic and social crisis that Europe is still facing. With this initiative the associations involved aimed to raise awareness to this problem and to mobilize
MEPs, high officials and decision makers to help stop this situation. It is not possible that a young person working full-time is not paid for his / her work or works without having a legal contract.
Having this in mind, the Let’s Start the First European Party has started a Petition for
the Right to Work to be sent to the European Parliament and is a strong supporter of the European Citizens’ Initiative. Together both instruments will be great tools to raise global awareness to this situation as well as enhance concrete measures to tackle such conditions. We would like to invite you to sign our Petition on the Right to Work to be sent to the European Parliament and spread it through your contacts in order to give it the boost to have an even louder voice.
Youth unemployment, unpaid internships and non-contract interns are not only a problem for young people. It also jeopardizes the situation for experienced professionals. Several companies replace experienced, and therefore more expensive employees, with unpaid or lower paid interns and that becomes an even bigger social problem. Only by seriously punishing these situations, we can improve working conditions, not only for young professionals, but for everyone.
Ana Roios – European Youth Party