Letter to billionaire Tim Collins, CEO of Ripplewood Holdings and Director of Citigroup, explaining his cooperation with the EBRD which is protecting banks linked to Vladimir Putin. Evidence included. Coming up next month: explanation of how ‘ratings agencies’ are helping …
EPPO: Noziedzniekiem ir jāsauc pie atbildības pašiem sevi!
Esmu uzrakstījis vairākus rakstus EU Bubble par Eiropas Rekonstrukcijas un attīstības bankas (ERAB) un Latvijas valdības krāpšanas kampaņu. Viņi organizēja divas viltus (slepeni atceļamas), ar Kremli saistītu, banku privatizācijas, lai pasargātu krāpniekus un naudas atmazgātājus no kriminālvajāšanas, vienlaikus radot Amerikas, …
EPPO: Criminals must prosecute themselves!
I have written several articles for EU Bubble about the fraud campaign by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and Latvian government. They organized two fake (secretly reversible) privatizations of Kremlin-linked banks to protect embezzlers and money launderers …
The fall of Bulgaria’s government & corruption
Aneta Spendzharova (Ph.D. UNC-Chapel Hill) is Assistant Professor of Political Science at Maastricht University in the Netherlands. Her research interests are in political economy, EU regulatory governance and the politics of East Central Europe. The Bulgarian parliament was dissolved on …