La consultation dans les gênes de la Commission européenne. Consulter, oui. Consulter tous azimuts, non !

Le premier sondage d’opinion date de 1936 pour l’élection du Président Roosevelt. Un magazine national au terme d’un vote fictif de 10 millions d’américains prévoit la défaite de Roosevelt. Gallup établit un échantillon représentatif et anticipe la victoire de Roosevelt …

commission consultation

Consultation is in the Commission’s genes. Consultation is good – but not far and wide!

The first opinion poll dates from 1936 when Franklin D. Roosevelt was re-elected US President. Following a notional vote by 10 million Americans, a national magazine predicted Roosevelt’s defeat. Gallup took a representative sample and anticipated Roosevelt’s victory with 62% …

eurovision 2017 kyiv logo

Eurovision Song Contest Kyiv 2017

The EU Bubble is holding its annual Eurovision Twitter party this Saturday during the Eurovision final! However to spice things up and make it extra exciting we are also gambling on our favourite song and country using the special offer …

The New Comitology reform

The New Comitology reform

Overhauling the balance of powers or institutional tinkering? Law constitutes one of the fundamental pillars of democracy, but it is more than this. Law is also a vital cog in the EU decision-making system. In a way, it facilitates relations …

Theresa May and Article 50: a Christmas tale!

23 June 2016 to 29 March 2017: it took 280 days to come up with a letter that fills me with a range of emotions, from laughter to incredulity. In my mind, it confirms something I have never doubted: that …

The EU ETS and the Circular Economy

We need regulatory coherence between the various EU objectives The Commission’s proposal to reform the ETS aims at drastically reduce the number of sectors on the carbon leakage list, by applying a purely one-size-fits-all quantitative formula that multiplies trade intensity …

Réforme de la Comitologie : faire, défaire et refaire, c’est toujours travailler, …

Vous vous rappelez la publicité pour Canada Dry, « ça a la couleur de l’alcool, le goût de l’alcool, … mais ce n’est pas de l’alcool ». La réforme de la comitologie que nous propose la Commission est présentée comme …

Comitology Reform: doing, undoing and redoing is still hard work

You might remember the advert for Canada Dry : “It looks like alcohol, it tastes like alcohol…but it’s not alcohol.” The reform of comitology proposed by the Commission is presented as a reform, but it is nothing of the sort. …

EU Emissions Trading System Reform: Making Things Simple or Simplistic? The Case of Copper

During the COP22 in Marrakech, the international community has once again gathered to discuss its responsibilities in the fight against climate change, because to this day there is still no international regulatory system that is comprehensive and binding. There is …

Les 60 ans du Traité de Rome : d’abord changer le capitaine du bateau !

Diverses têtes pensantes réfléchissent à une épineuse question : comment célébrer le 25 mars 2017 les 60 ans de la signature du Traité de Rome ? Si vous voulez mon avis, mieux vaudrait ne rien célébrer du tout. Je n’ai …

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